Ensuring Proper AC Maintenance With Condensor Coil Cleaning
The best way to stay cool inside your Seattle home this summer is to schedule proper maintenance for your air conditioning system, including cleaning the condenser coils. Aside from changing your filters, you’ll need a professional HVAC technician to perform this routine service. Once the maintenance is complete, your air conditioner will provide efficient, comfortable, and reliable cold air throughout your house. What Are Condenser Coils? Your outside air conditioning unit has large metal shells with rows of tubes inside. These tubes may run vertically or horizontally, depending on your model. The refrigerant in your air conditioner absorbs heat from inside your home and releases it in the condenser coil. What Is the Importance of a Condenser Coil? As stated, the condenser coil is responsible for heat exchange. The coil releases heat outdoors to keep your home cool. The larger the coils, the more cooling they provide. Cleaning the Coils Keeping your condenser coils free of dust and debris is critical to the efficiency and reliability of your air conditioner. Your professional HVAC technician will wipe these coils clean during annual maintenance. The coils are an intricate and essential part of your air conditioner and should only be handled by...
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