A furnace usually works great when it is functioning correctly. A furnace that shuts off mysteriously is not something anyone prefers to experience. Heaters are, of course, mechanical devices. They’ll suffer from maintenance issues now and then. Still, homeowners may feel perplexed about why a furnace “dies” without warning and then comes back to life. The reasons vary.

The High Limit Switch Trips

Since a furnace generates and blows heat, the possibility exists that it can overheat. An overheated furnace presents hazards, not to mention any potential damage to the system itself. As a failsafe measure, furnaces come with a “high limit switch.” Once the temperature reaches a specific point, the switch trips and turns off the heater. More specifically, the switch trips when the heat exchanger overheats. Lack of airflow is usually the culprit, and there will be an underlying cause for limited airflow.

An Electrical Problem May Exist

A furnace connected to the electrical system relies on a steady supply of power. Issues with the wiring could cause trouble with the furnace. So, a pro could troubleshoot electrical problems. Black Lion Heating & Air Conditioning has long served residents of Seattle by providing heating, cooling, and electrical services. The company even handles water heater work, among other tasks.

A Dirty Filter Creates Troubles

Not changing a furnace’s filter opens the door for several potential problems. The point mentioned above about poor airflow could trace itself back to a dirty, poorly functioning filter. Replacing the filter, a relatively simple task, might be all that is necessary to address the annoying “on/off” problem.

The Home Has the Wrong Furnace

When the furnace in the home is too big for the residence, it may function erratically. Turning on and off might be one problem that manifests. Unfortunately, this issue isn’t an easy fix. Replacing the old, oversized furnace might be the only way to restore some consistency.

Black Lion Heating & Air Conditioning in Kirkland continues to provide services in the Pacific Northwest, 20 years after first opening its doors. Call us today to inquire about furnace tune ups or AC maintenance. We also handle AC installations and cooling repairs.

Contact Black Lion Heating & Air Conditioning today