6 Ways to Prevent Cold and Hot Spots in Your Home

HVAC in Kirkland, WA

If you have ever noticed some areas in your house feeling unusually hot or cold, even when the thermostat is set to a comfortable temperature, you are not alone. These temperature fluctuations, commonly known as cold or hot spots, can be a persistent and frustrating problem for many homeowners. Not only can they make some rooms in your home uncomfortable to spend time in, but they can also lead to wasted energy and increased utility bills.

The good news is that there are several steps that you can take to avoid cold and hot spots and attain more constant temperatures throughout your home. Identifying the main culprits of these temperature fluctuations will help you implement strategies to keep your house comfortable and energy-efficient all year round.

1. Repositioning Your Thermostat

A thermostat tells your HVAC equipment how much cooled or hot air to deliver to attain the preferred indoor temperatures. Your thermostat requires accurate temperature readings to accomplish this task. Positioning the thermostat near a heating source, in direct sunlight, or in a warm part of your home will tell your heating unit that it has attained the set temperatures before adequately warming your space. Placing the thermostat near windows or doors leading outside can also cause inaccurate temperature readings.

You can prevent uneven cooling or heating by keeping the thermostat away from heat or cold sources. If your thermostat is close to a window, covering the window can help. Replacing the thermostat with a wireless one can also make it easy to reposition your unit to get accurate readings.

An aging thermostat can also incorrectly read temperatures. If you’ve got an old thermostat, contact an HVAC technician to examine its performance to determine if you require an upgrade.

2. Investing in a Zoning System

Investing in a zoning system can eliminate cold and hot spots in your residence. A zoning system allows you to divide your house into several temperature zones. Each zone has its dampers and thermostat that controls the airflow to that specific zone. That means you can easily customize the temperatures in different parts of your house depending on your preferences and particular needs.

For instance, if your bedroom tends to get too cold while your living room is too warm, a zoning system can address these problems by regulating the temperatures independently in every zone. Doing so lets you enjoy more consistent temperatures throughout your house. A zoning system also allows you to only cool or heat the parts of your house that you are using instead of wasting energy on unoccupied areas.

3. Keeping Your Filters Clean

A clogged or dirty filter can limit the amount of air that flows through it, impacting your home’s comfort and increasing the likelihood of cold and hot spots. Restricted airflow can also cause your HVAC unit to overwork to distribute air throughout your residence. As a result, there will be uneven airflow and temperature fluctuations.

You can improve airflow and indoor air quality by changing your HVAC filters regularly. Depending on the type of filters you use and the pollutants in your residence, you may need to change your filters anywhere from once a month to once every six months. With clean filters, your HVAC equipment will run more smoothly, distribute air evenly, and maintain consistent temperatures throughout your living space. It can also preserve the longevity of your system.

4. Adding Insulation

Insulation creates a barrier between the outside and inside of your house, reducing the heat that can enter or escape. If you have an old home or outdated insulation, consider scheduling an inspection to determine whether any of these factors is the reason behind temperature fluctuations in your home. Some types of insulation do not last as long as their counterparts.

When some parts of your house are not properly insulated, conditioned or heated air can escape or enter those spaces, causing temperature imbalances. For instance, heat from outside can enter your house during the summer if your attic and walls are poorly insulated, resulting in hot spots. On the other hand, heat from your furnace can escape through a poorly insulated attic and walls during winter, creating cold spots.

By adding insulation to your house, you can help regulate indoor temperatures and minimize the amount of heat transfer. Adding insulation can help even the temperatures in your living space, eliminating cold and hot spots.

When adding insulation, it’s important to consider the R-value, which determines its thermal resistance capacity. The greater the insulation’s R-value, the more effective it’ll be at minimizing heat transfer. Different parts of your residential property may need different insulation levels, so it’s important to consult an expert to determine the ideal insulation for your needs.

5. Adjusting the Ceiling Fans

Small adjustments to your ceiling fans’ rotation and speed can make a big difference in indoor air circulation. In the summer, you can set the ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise, creating a downdraft that circulates air and creates a cooling effect. As the air circulates in your space, the ceiling fan can help distribute conditioned air more evenly, minimizing hot spots.

During winter, you can reverse your ceiling fan blades’ direction to rotate clockwise. Doing so will create an updraft that will circulate heated air that has risen to your ceiling down to the room. That will help to distribute heated air more evenly, reducing cold spots.

It’s also important to adjust your ceiling fan’s speed depending on the room’s temperature. In the winter, you might want to decrease the speed of the ceiling fan to create a mild updraft that’ll circulate heated air more efficiently. You might want to increase your ceiling fan’s speed in the summer to create a stronger downdraft.

6. Sizing Your HVAC Correctly

A wrongly sized HVAC unit can contribute to hot and cold spots in your residence. If the unit is too small, it might struggle to keep up with your cooling or heating demands, resulting in uneven temperatures throughout your space. It can also create hot spots in poorly insulated areas or rooms with more sun exposure, while other parts of your home may feel cooler.

On the other hand, if your HVAC equipment is too big, it might cycle off and on more frequently, leading to uneven temperatures and inefficient cooling or heating.

Installing the right-sized HVAC unit for your home can help eliminate cold and hot spots in your space. To ensure that your HVAC equipment is appropriately sized, working with an experienced HVAC expert is important. These professionals can calculate load to establish your residence’s cooling and heating demands before recommending a suitable unit.

Partner With the HVAC Experts!

Eliminating hot and cold spots in your house is vital for maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. By understanding the root causes of temperature disparities, you can take the practical steps above to address them and prevent them from recurring. When you need high-quality cooling or heating services, don’t hesitate to contact Black Lion Heating & Air Conditioning. Our technicians have the knowledge, experience, and tools to handle HVAC installations, repairs, replacements, and maintenance.

We offer air quality assessments, duct cleaning, water heater installation, and electrical services in Kirkland, WA, and the surrounding areas. We also offer gas fireplace, heat pump, and furnace installation. Contact us today to schedule your service appointment.